Get to know Tuberose Flower, the Beauty with Sexy Scent

Tuberose flower is popular, both as a decoration and an ingredient for making perfumes. This grower is also widespread in various parts of the world, where every nation has a unique event to take advantage of it.

Its beautiful appearance and fragrant aroma invite various myths. Meanwhile, experts also find many benefits in it.

Want to know more about its uniqueness? Check out the following reviews!


What is Tuberose Flower?

Tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa) is an old-fashioned garden plant with an extremely potent fragrance.
Tuberose Flower

Tuberose flower (Polianthes tuberosa) is also popularly known as Polyanthus Lily. This plant is a perennial that survives in various seasons.

This flower which also has the name Agave amica is part of the Asparagaceae family and belongs to the sub-family Agaviodae.

Most taxonomic records mention that this grower came from mainland Mexico.

Polianthes tuberosa itself has different names in countries. India calls it ratkirani, and Singapore calls it xinxiao.

The Persians give the name Maryam while Indonesians address it as sedap malam.

The name comes because it has tuber as a feature. Nowadays, the number of species is approximately 12 with varying flower colors, namely white, purple, cream pastel pink, and yellow.

This plant can grow up to 45 cm. Meanwhile, the leaves are light green and gathered at the base of the stem. The flowers themselves generally bloom at night and produce a fragrant aroma.

However, despite its popularity as an ornamental plant, the tuberose flower does not grow in the wild. All known species are the result of cultivation.

The Story Behind

Europeans first discovered tuberose when the Spanish conquistadors landed in the New World.
Story of Tuberose Flower

The tuberose flower has been the subject of cultivation for centuries ago. Its original habitat was Mexico, but the Aztecs later cultivated it in 1519 and then introduced it to the world.

In addition, a French missionary also cultivated it in the 1500s and introduced it to mainland Europe. At that time, the tuberose flower became a favorite among Victorian women.

However, somehow, the Victorians then made it synonymous with grave flowers. Possibly this is where various scary myths about this flower began to emerge.

Using tuberose flower as a perfume became popular in the 17th century.

At that time, Queen Marie Antoinette created a fragrance called Sillage de la Reine, a mixture of various flowers, including Agave amica.

Its use as a perfume then survives to this day. However, many tuberose flower scent variants do not exist in nature but are only in the laboratory.

Tuberose Flower Meaning

The botanical name is a mashup of the Greek polianthes, meaning “multi-flowered,” and the Latin tuberosa, which means “swollen root,” or tuber.
Polianthes Tuberosa Meaning

Tuberose flower meaning and symbolism may be different in each nation. But broadly speaking, each petal is a reflection of peace and purity.

However, some people consider it synonymous with desire, attraction, and obsession. That is why many countries make it part of bridal bouquets.

This flower once became a favorite in the Victorian era because of its white color and fragrant aroma. But slowly, people’s perceptions changed and deemed it identical to funerals and horror.

The Benefits

It is a circulatory booster, so it is used to treat impotence, but it can also boost libido and stamina. It produces a warming sensation throughout the body.
Benefit Tuberose Flower

Research by the National Library of Medicine states that Polianthes tuberosa contains essential oils in almost all parts.

The aroma can give a sense of calm to the brain. Here are some of the benefits:

  • The scent is so strong that it is the basis of perfume.
  • The content of essential oils can help calm the mind (antidepressants) and overcome insomnia.
  • Tuberose flower is antispasmodic, which has an anti-inflammatory effect and can treat colds, flu, and coughs.
  • It helps fight skin infections.
  • Tuberose flower extract can promote blood circulation.

Varieties of Tuberose Flowers

Tuberoses come in two varieties, the single-flowered and the double-flowered.
Tuberose Varieties

Tuberose is one of 15 species under the auspices of Polianthes. In general, this plant is divided into four varieties as follows:

  • Single: White flower with a strong scent. It has a row of corolla segments.
  • Semi-double: The flowers have more than three rows of corolla segment.
  • Double: It has more flowers per spike with multi whorls.
  • Variegated: The leaves have a silvery-white or gold color.

Characteristics and Requirements

The tuberose has long bright green leaves clustered at the base and smaller clasping leaves along the stem. The fragrant waxy white flowers are borne in a cluster at the tip of the stem and bloom at night. The roots are fleshy and tuberous.
Characteristic Tuberose Flower

Tuberose is a tropical plant that is easy to grow and not too fussy. However, to grow well, you need to understand the characteristics and conditions they like as follows:

  • They grow well in cool tropical climatic zones.
  • Its size ranges from 70 cm to 1.2 meters, with a width of 10-20 cm.
  • The best time to plant is late winter to early spring.
  • Tuberoses like soil that is well-drained, nutrient-rich, and lime-free.
  • Abundant light will make them grow well. If you plant indoors, try to put them under direct sunlight for at least 8 hours.
  • Tuberose likes moist soil.
  • Watering should be regular because this plant likes a lot of water. However, do not let the water stagnate too much because it will cause rotting.
  • Feed them with more nutrients. Fertilizers must contain substances such as phosphorus, potassium, and nitrogen with a balanced composition so that plants grow well.
  • Flowers will bloom approximately 90-120 days of planting.


Tuberose bulbs are best planted outdoors in early spring after the danger of frost has passed and the daytime temperatures remain above 70 degrees.
Cultivation of Tuberose Flower

Many gardeners agree that tuberose flowers have the beauty that can embellish any house corner. Fortunately, planting and caring for it is also not difficult. Here’s the explanation:

How to Plant in the Ground

Dig holes and plant the bulb clumps 8 to 10
Plant Tuberose on the Ground

This plant can grow both in soil and in containers. The important thing you need to pay attention to is to make sure they grow in the best growing media and ideal environmental conditions.

Here are the steps for planting in the ground:

  1. Determine the spot to plant and make sure the soil can absorb water well. The intensity of sunlight must also be sufficient.
  2. Dig some holes with a depth of 203 inches, insert bulb clumps into the soil and bury them.
  3. Tie at least 8-10 inches apart on each seedling.
  4. Water the plant sufficiently.

Growing Tuberose in Pots

For container planting, start with good quality, well-drained potting soil and containers with adequate drainage holes.
Growing Tuberose in Pots

Planting a tuberose flower on the ground or in a pot is the same. In general, the following are the steps to grow in containers:

  1. Choose fertile soil and be able to absorb water well. The pot you use must also have appropriate and adequate drainage holes.
  2. Fill the pot with soil, then bury the bulb clumps 2-3 inches below the planting media.
  3. Water the plants sufficiently.

How to Care

Keep your tuberoses moist with the help of a 3-inch mulch layer. Tuberoses are moderate to heavy feeders.
Caring for Tuberose

After planting the tuberose flower, the next step is to take care. You have to make sure that it is always in ideal condition.

Here are some things you should pay remember:

  1. Water regularly while growing. Make sure the plant gets enough moisture.
  2. Give fertilizer with a balanced composition every month.
  3. Ensure sufficient lighting because the food source comes from photosynthesis.
  4. After flowering, you do not need to rush to trim the foliage. Leave it there until the next season to help the photosynthesis process.
  5. You can remove dry foliage when the leaves have turned yellow and then die.
  6. After flowering, tuberose will undergo a period of dormancy for several months.


The bulbs are harvested when the flowering is over and plant ceases to grow.
Harvesting of Tuberose

Aside from being a room decoration, the tuberose flower has benefits like food, medicine, and perfume. When they are in full bloom, you can start picking.

Generally, this plant produces flowers starting three months after planting. The blooming season itself lasts throughout the year but peaks in September.

Pick them by cutting the spikes where a pair of flowers grow. You can use a cutter or bare hands. The best time to harvest is before sunrise or at night.

Problems You May Find

The diseases reported are stem rot,flower bud rot, leaf blight or Botrytis blight, Sclerotial wilt, Alternaria leaf spot , rust, powdery mildew etc .
Tuberose Problems

Tuberoses are generally hardy and minimally nuisance plants. However, there is a possibility that they will be sick due to the following conditions:


Tuberose is a hardy crop and is not much affected by attacks of insect pests and diseases but there are some which may effect the cultivation
Tuberose Pests

Some pests that most often attack tuberose are aphids, bud borers, grasshoppers, nematodes, red spider mite rodents, and thrips.

These insects have the potential to damage almost all parts of the plant.

Therefore, you need to carry out regular inspections of plants to avoid the proliferation of pests. If you find an infestation, immediately spray the insecticide according to your needs.


Use low rates of a slow release fertilizer as higher rates may encourage root rots. Monitor tuberose annual flowers for pests and diseases.
Tuberose Rotting

Rotting is also very common in tuberose. Aside from too-high humidity, the cause may be the fungus Sclerotium rolfsii.

This fungus is generally green and hides between the leaves so that it is not visible at a glance. If it appears, you can use a fungicide to eradicate it.

Withered Plant

Withered tuberose plant may be because lack of water or may be due to a fungus.
Withered Tuberose

If you notice that your plants do not look fresh and dry, one of the reasons may be a lack of water. However, this may be due to a fungus.

Do an inspection immediately to find out what happened. Treat it immediately before the plant dries up, falls, and dies.

Use a fungicide if mold appears.

Additional Tips and Tricks

Although tuberoses need full sun to reach their blossoming potential, they don’t like to bake in parched soil. Keep your tuberoses moist with the help of a 3-inch mulch layer.
Additional Tuberose Tips

In addition to the guide above, you may also need to master a few tricks so that your tuberose flower blooms perfectly.

Here are some additional tips for you to understand:

  • If you plant them from seed, try using a soil mixture with compost, ground bark, and manure to provide the best nutrition.
  • In addition to soil, the type of pot is also very decisive for plant growth. To avoid rotting, make sure the container has enough drainage holes.
  • If the tuberose has just overwintered, don’t immediately move it to a dry place. Let it air out for a few days and adapts to changes in temperature and weather.
  • Deep watering weekly is much better than watering a little every day.
  • When the stems begin to grow, prepare support so that the plant is not easily broken and damaged.
  • You also need to do pruning if the plant starts to grow too thick. This method aims to keep the plant healthy because the nutrients flow is enough.


Tuberose is a perennial plant in the family Asparagaceae, subfamily Agavoideae, extracts of which are used as a note in perfumery.
Tuberose Plant

Aside from the beautiful petals, the tuberose flower is popular because of its distinctive fragrance that appears after dusk. Planting and caring are easy and do not cost much. Are you ready to cultivate it?

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