The most common type of Laurel flower is the mountain laurel (Kalmia latifolia). It is such an attractive plant for all seasons.
Likewise, this shrub is broadleaf and flowering that has a gnarly, multi-stemmed growth habit. You would see beautiful spring blooms from this evergreen flower.
Furthermore, the blooms are elliptical with the glossy leaves in deep green color. It is quite similar to rhododendrons.
Additionally, it produces a lot of roses, white, or pink flowers that have purple markings. You may witness it from late May to early June.
Mountain Laurel Flower Facts

This laurel flower has some other common names. You can also call it ivy bush, calico bush, American laurel, and spoonwood.
The plant comes from the Ericaceae family. Then, the sun exposure should be in part shade. Moreover, the native area of this flower is in Eastern North America.
Usually, laurel grows as a shrub that comes with branches. The shape is round and dense.
The shrub will become gnarlier as it ages. However, the growth of the shrub is relatively slow. It only adds about a foot in one year.
In the right place, this laurel flower plant is quite easy to grow. If you consider adding a mass planting in your garden, it would be a good flowering shrub to go with.
Additionally, you can combine laurel flowers with azaleas and rhododendrons.
Be careful! Laurel is poisonous. These plants are highly toxic to both people and pets. So, it is better to keep them away from the children.
Laurel Care Tips

You can plant the shrubs from the spring season after the last frost has passed, to summer. The soil must be cool and moist.
Meanwhile, the shrubs must be between 4 to 6 feet apart. It is okay to plant them under the full sun. However, giving them partial shade might be better.
Prevent planting it in windy areas. Also, do not plant them too deeply. The crown of the shrubs must appear above the soil.
Further, do not bury the crowns as they will suffer from rot and eventually die. While the shrubs are still young, you should give the right amount of watering.
Then, keep the soil moist and acidic. You can add a layer of wood chips. During the spring season, feed them with plant food that matches the shrub’s needs.
Indeed, pruning is a must when the blooming time has finished. This process will keep the shrubs full and bushy.
The Requirement to Grow Laurel Flower

Here are some of the requirements that you have to meet in order to grow the mountain laurel properly.
As said before, it is recommended to grow the plant under partial shade. This variety performs well in that environment.
If you plant it in a place with deep shared, there will be less flowering. It can also cause leaf spots.
In addition, growing the plant under the full sun is not prohibited. Laurel can tolerate full sun. Instead of having the deep-green leaves, the shrubs would be filled with yellowish ones.
The soil for these shrubs has to be moist, cool, well-drained, and acidic. You cannot grow them on heavy clay soils.
For areas with dense soil, you may plant the shrubs in planters or raised berms. Then, fill them with a well-draining mix of soil.
After planting, you should water the plants every 3 to 4 days for a few weeks in the beginning. Do watering thoroughly to moisten the soil. Do not make it soggy.
You should keep up with the watering routine in the first growing season. After that, you can water it once a week.
In an area with warm weather, the shrub will be fine when the soil remains shaded. Mountain laurel does not like dense humidity and high temperatures.
However, some cultivars are quite tolerant of those conditions.
You can feed the shrub during spring. It needs an acid fertilizer that gardeners use for azaleas and rhododendrons.
Thus, this process will make the blooming more vigorous. Make sure to check the instructions on the label.
Many Types of Laurel Flower

There are many cultivars available for your garden or planting space. It offers a lot of different color options.
California Bay Laurel

Laurel flower grows from 2 to 16 feet high. This plant is native to California. Therefore, it is called California Bay Laurel.
Whether it is full or partial sun, these plants will thrive. You will witness small yellow flowers in the season of spring.
Meanwhile, it can be a shrub or a tree. The leaves come in lance shape.
Carolina Cherry Laurel

This type is definitely larger than the previous. It can grow up to 20 feet high. The width can reach up to 40 feet.
That is the reason people plant this in their garden and use it as a privacy screen. In Spring, it also blooms white flowers just like the Cherry laurel.
Unlike many other cultivars of laurel flowers, this one is quite tolerant of drought. Hence, it will thrive in dry soils.

This is a fast-growing plant that prefers partial shade or full sun. The moist and well-drained soil must be prepared.
Compared to other laurels, Caucasica grows a little faster. The beautiful deep-green leaves will be there all year long.
Even the frost in the winter season will not take the color away.
During the spring season, you will see white flowers. Then, red berries will come out during Fall. Birds would love to have that.

This is a spotted laurel. You can tell the difference by looking at the leaves that come with large patches of gold.
There will be male or female flowers that come out of the shrubs. Indeed, the males will be in deep purple.
Elf Mountain Laurel

This laurel flower will be at its best when grown in zones 5 to 9. It is actually a dwarf plant that will only reach up to 3 feet tall and 4 feet wide.
Besides, it produces large buds in pink color that open up to white flowers.
Cherry Laurel

English Laurel is another common name for this cultivar. This hard laurel is so popular in the South of the U.S.
This plant is friendly to full sun exposure. Indeed, it grows the best in that condition. Still, the soil has to be moist and well-drained.
There will be small white flowers in the spring and black berries in the Fall. The leaves are broad and leathery.
Additionally, the maximum length is 5 inches and the width is 2 inches.

You can tell this type of laurel from its dark, glossy foliage. This dense evergreen will show orange-bronze leaves color when brand new.
Further, you can grow Etna in many kinds of soils. Whether the soil is chalky or contains clay, it will thrive.
Sweet Bay

This variety is considered a small laurel. It can grow up to 12 feet high. This narrow evergreen tree has tiny insignificant flowers with dark green color and wavy shape of leaves.
Moreover, this hardy plant is easy to grow. Also, the leaves can be an herb used as a spice.
Little Linda

It is another dwarf variety in the laurel flower family. The plant grows up to 3 feet in maximum. Little Linda produces soft-pink buds that give you beautiful pink flowers.
Besides, the large green leaves are resistant to spots. They will be beautiful all year long.
Minuet Mountain Laurel

Pink flowers from this shrub will add an outstanding color to your garden. You can also see a beautiful red band on the pink flowers.
Furthermore, it can grow about 3 feet wide and high. In zones 5 to 9, consider this laurel. For those who love sweet pink flowers, add Minuet mountain laurel to your garden.

It is also known as Variegata. It has female flowers and green leaves. Then, you will see large speckles with yellow color on the leaves.
This evergreen shrub comes with beautiful large foliage that will surely catch everyone’s attention.
Other Cultivars

There are still several other types of laurel flowers. You can search for more information about them in the near future.
For instance, the ark pink flower from Olympic Fire Mountain Laurel is one of them.
Ostbo Red, Otto Luyken Laurel, Peppermint Mountain Laurel, Portugal Laurel, and more, are the less common types of this plant.
Frequently Asked Question

Is Laurel Flower poisonous to touch?
It is okay to touch the flowers. Humans and animals cannot eat any laurels because they contain hydrocyanic acid.
However, the Bay Laurel is the only exception.
How Long Does Laurel Take to Grow?
It depends on the cultivars. As we know, this variety is a slow-growing plant. Laurel will grow about 15 to 60cm per year.
However, you can speed up the growing process using several methods.
What is the Best Feed for Laurel?
Use a natural organic fertilizer. Mix it well with the soil. Bone Meal will be the most recommended product to buy.
For 15 meters of the planting site, you will only need one kilogram.
What is the Laurel flower meaning?
According to ancient history, it is used to weave crowns and wreaths for sporting events in Greece. Nowadays, the laurel flower is like an achievement.
Laurel Flower will be a great addition to your garden. Try planting different types of shrubs. You will see colorful flowers when it is time for blooming.