Philodendron is one of the prominent houseplants that many people adore. Keep on reading to learn various popular types of it that will spruce up your house in no time.
Philodendron: Overview

The name philodendron comes from philo meaning affection and love, and dendron, which means tree. Both of these words are Greek.
The name embodies how most varieties live as vines. They love to grow on or climb up trees.
A French botanist named Charles Plumier introduced philodendron to Europe in 1693.
Then, more people began to discover more species in the 17th and 18th centuries due to the expeditions to the realm of tropical botany.
By 1860, Heinrich Schott, an Austrian botanist, had successfully defined 135 species. Now, you can find about 489 species.
Philodendrons comprise two basic types. They are self-heading varieties and climbing varieties.
Self-heading varieties are non-vining plants. The leaves emerge together that you cannot see the stem.
These varieties feature aerial roots growing from the stem to the ground.
Unlike many other roots that act as a means to draw nutrients and water from the soil, they serve as a support structure instead.
Climbing varieties, as the name suggests, grow up trees when living in their natural habitat.
Some of them begin with attaching themselves to the tree and live as an epiphyte, while some others germinate in the soil, and then find support by stretching to a trunk.
Most species thrive outdoors year-round when planted in zones 9 to 11. However, some others are different.
Heart-leaf variety (P. hederaceum), for example, does well in zones 11 and 12.
You can also grow philodendron indoors despite the climates in your area. It typically does well in more humid conditions.
Still, lower humidity also works just fine.
Philodendron Care

The philodendron plant is not fussy. Still, you have to know about caring about it. Hence, this plant will thrive at its best.
When it comes to watering, always remember to use room-temperature water.
Although this variety enjoys high humidity levels, it does not mean the plant likes soggy soil.
Thus, you have to let the top inch of the soil dry up well before beginning watering. Do not let it completely dry for a longer period, though.
To provide high humidity, which type you love the most, you can mist spray your plant regularly. Thus, use a saucer to do it.
Philodendron prefers loose, well-drained soil because it tends to be rich in organic matter.
You can try mixing sphagnum moss and perlite to create an ideal potting soil. Besides providing good drainage, it has to be at pH level of 6.5 to 7.5.
Philodendrons are mostly heavy feeders. To boost their growth, you can give them nitrogen-rich fertilizer every month.
You can also try an organic fertilizer. Make sure the NPK ratio is 3-1-2 because it is rich in macronutrients.
Fertilize your plant every month during spring and summer. Then, apply it every 6 or 8 weeks during fall and winter.
Most philodendrons enjoy bright, indirect natural light when grown indoors.
Therefore, you can place them in south or west facing windows along with a curtain filtering the sunlight.
When grown outdoors, philodendrons love partially shaded areas. Thus, you need to place them under trees.
Do not expose these plants to full sun. Otherwise, the leaves will turn yellowish and develop sunburn spots.
Philodendron Types

Philodendrons can be epiphytic, which grow on other plants. Some are terrestrial, meaning they grow from the soil.
Others are hemiepiphytic, meaning they do both.
This plant also has a wide array of types. If you are looking for beautiful houseplants to perk up your home, try the following varieties.
Philodendron Prince Orange (Philodendron ‘Prince Orange’)

You might think that the leaves emerge right from the ground. It turns out that the foliage grows upright on short stems.
One of the most remarkable things about this variety is the striking orange colors. It also has broad and spear-shaped leaves.
To make it thrive and produce beautiful green and orange leaves, you should place it in a spot that receives indirect but bright light.
This variety can reach 2 feet tall and 3 feet in spread. It is an indoor plant. Thus, you must not grow it outdoors.
Green Heartleaf Philodendron (Philodendron Hederaceum)

As the name suggests, this sweetheart plant has heart-shaped leaves, so many people often mistake it for pothos.
Heartleaf philodendron enjoys very humid places. Therefore, it becomes a perfect indoor plant for your bathroom.
Besides high humidity levels, it also likes low light conditions. If grown in an ideal environment, it bears heart-shaped bright-green foliage.
Blushing Philodendron (Philodendron Erubescens)

This one is another beautiful variety that can spruce up your living rooms and offices.
In fact, you can grow it on your balcony if the climates are warm, typically in USDA zones 10 or 11.
Blushing philodendron features elongated heart-shaped deep-green leaves. The foliage grows out and tilts on purple stems, which creates large and showy bushes.
This type of philodendron will not take up a lot of space because it can only grow up to 3 feet tall and approximately 2 feet wide.
Philodendron Xanadu (Philodendron Bipinnatifidum)

Philodendron Xanadu features an extraordinary look. It has very long, split, dark green leaves with very deep lobes growing on long and strong stems.
With the deep green leaves and lobes, this plant looks extremely thick, strong, and sculptural.
The stems even emerge directly from the ground, making it seem extremely bold. Due to its strong appearance, this plant will offer a boldness to space.
This variety can reach 4 feet tall and 5 feet in spread. Although people usually grow it indoors, you can plant it outdoors in USDA zones 10 and 11.
Philodendron Pink Princess (Philodendron Erubescens)

Like Blushing philodendron, this variety also has elongated heart-shaped leaves. However, that is not the reason why it becomes one of the most sought-after plants.
This variety bears colorful foliage, which becomes its main attraction. The leaves can be rich pink, pastel, rich green with gray shades, or almost cream.
Basically, pink princess belongs to the vining variety. It does well in a trellis. However, you can always trim it to create a shrub and bushy look.
Philodendron Crassinervium (Philodendron Crassinervium)

Unlike many other varieties, Crassinervium features oval and glossy green leaves that grow along a creeping stalk.
This type comes from Brazil. In its natural habitat, it can grow up to 13 feet. However, if grown indoors, it can only reach 18 inches. Besides, it is easy to cut back.
If you want to add a subtle nuance to your tropical backyard, this variety will be great. However, it can only thrive in zones 9 to 11.
Philodendron Gloriosum (Philodendron Gloriosum)

Philodendron gloriosum can make a great decorative houseplant. It can draw the eye instantly with its conspicuously beautiful appearance.
This plant features fleshy, large, smooth leaves with white veins that add pattern to its beauty.
The leaves are so large that they can be as wide as 2 feet. Besides, this plant can grow up to 3 feet tall and 4 feet in spread.
It is indeed a quite big variety. Therefore, make sure you have enough space for it. Otherwise, your small living room or office will look more cramped.
Philodendron Subhastatum (Philodendron Subhastatum)

This type of philodendron features glossy, broad, long leaves with clear veins. While you can see shiny green on top, you will also find orange, red, or purple on the other side.
Philodendron subhastatum has an upright habit. Thus, you can see the whole beauty of it, meaning you will not miss the top and the underside view.
When grown in ideal conditions, this plant can reach 6 feet in length and 2 feet in spread. It will definitely make a great houseplant.
However, it belongs to rare varieties, so it will be a bit hard to find it.
Philodendron Esmeraldense (Philodendron Esmeraldense)

This variety belongs to one of the new species because it was discovered in Ecuador in 2008.
Like many other types of philodendrons, it has long (approximately 20 inches) heart-shaped leaves.
The foliage comes in bright green. It also features a leathery texture.
Its long green leaves tend to hang down from the stems, allowing the tips to almost reach the ground.
Although it bears beautiful foliage, it does not bear many leaves. Still, it can make a great decorative plant on a table or plant stand.
Moonlight Philodendron (Philodendron‘Moonlight’)

Philodendron moonlight is a perfect choice for those who want to add a bit of a natural element within a small space because it can only grow up to 2 feet tall.
Despite the small size, it still looks beautiful with its super smooth and glossy lime-yellow or pea-green leaves.
This variety will do well indoors. It is not suitable for an outdoor garden. Still, it is not impossible. It may thrive if it grows in USDA zones 9 to 11.
Philodendron comes in a vast array of types. No matter what your choice is, they will improve the look of your home instantly because all of them are exquisite.