Dallis grass is a bothersome perennial weed. It typically appears during the warmer months. Controlling this grassy weed is uneasy too.
However, with some knowledge, you can get rid of it from your lawn for good. What makes Dallisgrass terrible is this weed will return from its roots continually.
In addition, it can devastate all kinds of turfgrass, such as buffalograss, zoysia, Bermuda, and St. Augustine grass.
They will not be able to handle its attack.
If your lawn has lots of foot traffic, Dallisgrass may survive due to soil compaction. It is time to plan to kill this grassy weed.
Keep reading till the end.
The Introduction and Spread of Dallis Grass

Dallis Grass (Paspalum dilatatum) comes from South America. A Georgia farmer, A. T. Dallis, introduced this grassy weed into the U.S. in the 1800s.
He believed it could withstand southern climes and become a fodder or forage species.
Unfortunately, A. T. Dallis made a fatal mistake because it got invasive after he added the plant to his pastures.
Dallisgrass, thin paspalum, and field paspalum loved their new habitat. They were soon going uncontrollable.
This grassy weed mostly appeared in southern states. Furthermore, it is prone to an ergot fungus that afflicts livestock.
The Dallisgrass is notorious for being pernicious. Besides, the weed drives many landowners insane since it is challenging to tackle.
The Detection of Dallis Grass

Before you dive into a treatment program, learn how to detect Dallisgrass properly. Below are some traits of the weed you should know.
- Dallisgrass rhizomes root with ease
This perennial weed stands out because of its thick rhizomes. They enlarge the Dallisgrass diameter while storing carbohydrates.
The rhizomes do well in moist soil, making Dallisgrass hard to handle.
- Dallisgrass grows in a circular clump
Most grasses grow in bunches or clumps. Unlike them, Dallis grass features a distinctive clump that gradually develops circularly.
Sometimes, this perennial weed gets so large. Although its center disappears, the outer rings keep suffocating the turfgrasses they meet.
- The weed possesses fibrous roots
Controlling the Dallis grass is a frustrating job. It seems like the weed does not like getting chopped down.
You cannot pull out the Dallis grass with ease due to its thick roots. Besides, they can attain a depth of 39 inches or 1 meter in the soil.
- Dallisgrass Vs. Crabgrass
Crabgrass is a Dallisgrass look-alike. Sometimes, people mistake Dallisgrass for crabgrass since they both look similar.
The growth pattern sets them apart.
However, crabgrass has a habit of growing outward. As the name suggests, it resembles a crab when you look at it straight down.
On the other hand, Dallisgrass tends to be fuller and taller.
By using this description, you will not misidentify Dallisgrass. It helps you eliminate the pernicious weed the right way as well.
The Dallis Grass Inspection

Once you have properly identified the Dallisgrass, it is time to proceed with the inspection. Moreover, at this stage, you will have to find its concentration areas.
Knowing the conditions of such areas is also necessary. It will enable you to focus on them when treating the Dallisgrass with herbicide.
- What to Search For
You need to look for Dallis Grass outbreaks. It grows in star-like clumps. Furthermore, its seed stalks comprise 3-5 segments featuring delicate hairs.
- Where to Observe
Just walk around the lawn. Then, inspect the concentration of Dallisgrass. Also, find out how massive the infestation is.
Dallisgrass usually thrives in warm and moist conditions during the summer months.
Paspalum Dilatatum Control

Dallisgrass is a troublesome weed. It does excellently in clay and sandy soils. Apart from being a big fan of nitrogen fertilizer, it grows rapidly.
The growth rate of Dallisgrass is two times higher than that of turfgrass. This weed creates issues for golfers.
It gives homeowners hideous tufts while generating hazards for field athletes.
Dallisgrass control needs persistence. Moreover, this stubborn weed will turn into the turfgrass of homeowners’ nightmares.
You can keep Dallisgrass away from your beloved lawn with the appropriate methods.
Follow these instructions and apply the herbicides properly. In no time, the lawn will become Dallisgrass-free.
There are three ways of removing Dallisgrass: healthy lawn management, pre-emergents, and post-emergent treatments.
How Do You Kill Dallisgrass without Killing Grass?

Dallisgrass is a perennial weed. There are not many things people can do to prevent it from returning.
However, driving them away is possible.
Let’s start with prevention. The first method of Paspalum dilatatum control is to keep the turfgrass healthy.
Make sure it gets densely planted too.
You can maintain the lawn’s health through fertilization and appropriate watering. Additionally, mowing is vital when it comes to killing Dallis grass.
Fill the bare spots of the lawn with either sod or turfgrass seeds. This technique keeps Dallisgrass seeds from establishing in your stunning lawn.
As long as the lawn is thick and well-maintained, Dallisgrass seeds do not have a chance to take hold.
They let you get rid of the grassy weed without killing the turfgrass.
You need to mow the lawn at heights of 3-4 inches (7.5-10 cm). Thus, the turfgrass can withstand the Dallisgrass reinvasion better.
If you face Dallis grass-related problems in your ornamental beds, just add mulch. It prevents the bothersome seedlings of Dallisgrass from coming back.
Apply Pre-Emergent Treatment

The second method how to eliminating Dallisgrass includes pre-emergents. Dallis grass carries abundant seeds on its long spikes.
Dallisgrass spikes reach a height of 1 meter or several feet. Besides, every spike comprises 2-10 spikelets.
Furthermore, there are a couple of seed rows per spikelet along the weed’s length.
The wind and animals help the spread of Dallisgrass seeds. In addition, they like to stick to lawn mower blades.
Use a pre-emergent Dallisgrass herbicide that eliminates crabgrass. It makes an incredible Dallisgrass killer too.
If you choose this method, you need to water pre-emergents into the soil. By doing so, the treatment will be successful.
As a persistent weed, Dallisgrass will occupy bare areas. Therefore, you should manage such spots right away.
Consider applying a late winter-spring pre-emergent.
If you are clueless, opt for Dithiopyr 40WSB. Of course, it is a surefire way to keep invasive Dallisgrass from coming back and spreading.
As the name implies, this pre-emergent contains Dithiopyr. It is an impressive, active ingredient that controls Dallisgrass and keeps the seeds from germinating.
Dithiopyr is suitable for large lawns because it is available in pre-measured packets. Each packet can treat about 10.890 square feet or ¼ acre.
After measuring the lawn’s square footage, you will know how much pre-emergent to get rid of Dallisgrass.
Once you have determined the right amount according to your calculations, add the pre-emergent to a calibrated sprayer.
Cover the lawn with Dithiopyr evenly. After it gets a uniform application, use ½ inch of water to make the granular product active.
Post-Emergent Treatments

You can implement three effective post-emergent treatments to control Dallis grass. First of all, dig out the pernicious weed.
This is the most eco-friendly technique to remove Dallisgrass, yet it is time-consuming and labor-intensive.
Post-emergent herbicides that kill crabgrass will work just fine. However, you need to apply them several times every two or three weeks.
Furthermore, this method prevents the regrowth of Dallisgrass and rounds out the treatment.
When using any Dallisgrass herbicide, you must protect your eyes and skin. Wear protective equipment such as long-sleeve shirts, gloves, and goggles.
If you plan to apply spot treatments, choose non-selective herbicides. They are ideal for small Dallisgrass infestations.
Unfortunately, such herbicides get rid of any plant they encounter. That means they can eliminate the weed and turfgrass at once.
Be ready to fill the empty spots as soon as possible. Read the directions on the label before re-seeding.
To eradicate Dallisgrass, consider choosing chemical options. They are best suited to lawns with massive infestations.
If you deal with a heavy outbreak, digging out Dallisgrass seems intimidating. Besides, it requires too much work and wastes your time.
Celsius WG is one of the most magnificent post-emergent herbicides. Apart from removing Dallisgrass, it will suppress the weed.
If your lawn suffers from a large outbreak, you must combine post-emergent herbicides with pre-emergent treatments.
Apply a pre-emergent herbicide treatment at the beginning of spring to get rid of Dallisgrass seedlings.
Then, use post-emergent herbicides. Here is how you can treat a Dallisgrass-infested lawn or area with Celsius WG properly.
Mix and Use Celsius WG

This post-emergent herbicide contains water-dispersible granules. Apply it on Bermudagrass and St. Augustine grass.
In addition, Celsius WG can kill broadleaf and perennial weeds on other warm-season grasses.
Before adding Celsius WG into a sprayer, calculate how much herbicide you will need. Just multiply the lawn’s width times the length.
When it comes to the spot treatments, 3.2 grams or 0.113 ounces of Celsius WG can accommodate 1,000 square feet or about 93 square meters.
Mix it with 1 gallon or 3.78 liters of water.
To kill Dallisgrass, apply the spot treatment twice for desirable results. You should also use Alligare 90.
This surfactant ensures the herbicide mixture sticks to the weed.
After mixing water with Celsius WG well, pour the surfactant. Add the 0.33 ounce (9 grams) of surfactant to the finished gallon.
For an even coating, choose the fan nozzle setting. Repeat the treatment 14-28 days later.
Final Thoughts
Dallisgrass is a nuisance on lawns. However, with the recommended treatments, you can eliminate it and prevent its comeback.
In addition to herbicides, you must take preventive measures. Make sure your lawn boasts a thick, robust stand of grass.
Thus, Dallis grass will not re-establish.