Complete Guide to Embellish Your Garden with Daisy Flowers

Beautify your landscape with numerous daisy flowers that give long-lasting charming blossoms.

This common variety comes in a classic shape of white petals coupled with yellow carpels. Thus, they are famous for the petal-plucking game.

Besides, the species are great for garden plants and cutting flowers. Moreover, growing some daisies in your green space will allow wildlife to come.

Therefore, learn several varieties of these vibrant bloomers with a guide on how to cultivate and take care of them. So, you must keep on reading!

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Characteristics of Daisy Flowers

Daisies are hardy, drought-tolerant plants that provide years of gorgeous, classic charm.
Daisy flower

The daisy flowers are star-shaped bloomers that have a bright white hue coupled with other tones of purple, yellow, or pink.

Moreover, these plants can be either perennial or annual. They also serve endless blossoms throughout the year-round.

In addition, these plants are moderate to fast growers. Even more, their height reaches about 25 centimeters. Also, they have narrow spoon-like leaves with toothed edges.

The invasive weeds feature lots of composite wildflowers that are indeed a group of some individual blossoms to create a single ray flower.

While the individual stem has one flower head that contains many tiny blossoms. Then, the petals vary from single to double, ruffled, and frilly.

Daisy Flower Meaning includes modesty, purity, as well as innocence. That is why people often give them to new mothers as a symbol of motherhood, childbirth, and initial beginnings.

Relating to the old English language, the blossoms means day’s eye since the petals close over the carpels at night. Meanwhile, they open again during the day.

Beautiful Flowers that Look Like Daisies

Daisy flowers are vibrant, cheerful, and easy to grow, making them a proven choice for gardens.
Daisies garden

There are plenty of daisy-like flowers that bring various colors as well as have high-resistant to dry conditions.

You might also choose varied bloom shapes to grow in your landscape. Some of the pretty blossoms are German Chamomile, False Sunflower, Pot Marigold, and Asters.

Moreover, the daisy-like perennials that have low-maintenance consist of Purple Cornflower, Coreopsis, Black-eyed Susans, Blanket Flower, Ice Plant, and Garden Mum.

Different from daisies, some of these varieties require sufficient humidity as well as sunlight exposure.

Recommended Daisy Varieties

With over 1,500 genera and 23,000 species, daisy is the largest family of flowering plants.
Colorful daisy varieties

The daisy flowers offer showy blossoms that attract wildlife to come into the garden.

Therefore, most butterfly watchers prefer growing these colorful varieties to brighten their space.

They may functions as landscape edgings due to their continuous growth.

Marguerite Daisy

Marguerite available in a variety of hues from white or yellow to pink or purple depending on the species, these daisies are similar in appearance to the shasta daisy.
Argyranthemum frutescens ( Marguerite daisy )

Marguerite daisy flowers that have a botanical name of Argyranthemum frutescens come from the Canary island.

Their petals are thicker than other species. They function as decorative ornaments in public parks as well as gardens. Furthermore, full sunlight helps them to grow well.

The Paris daisy, another name of this cultivar, shows the prettiest blooming flowers in the spring season.

Therefore, many butterflies love the blossoms and flying above these big bloomers.

Shasta Daisy

Shasta daisy are terrific as cut flowers, as their blooms can last a week or more in arrangements.
Leucanthemum × superbum ( Shasta daisy )

Shasta daisy flowers are ideal for perennial borders. It is because they start blooming in summer with the second re-bloom in the fall season.

The blossoms come with fuzzy carpels. Also, it has double-formed thin petals that resemble a spider. In addition, their hues vary from white to yellow and gold.

Although the daisies prefer full light, prevent these double varieties from the hot sun in the afternoon.

Divide the clumps every three years, so you can keep the plant in tidy shape.

Interestingly, Paladin is a new Shasta cultivar that becomes a rebloomer with multi-petaled white blossoms.

Gerbera Daisy

Gerbera daisy also known as Transvaal daisy are commonly planted in gardens as bedding plants or in containers in South Carolina.
Transvaal daisy ( Gerbera daisy )

Gerbera daisy flowers have various shades of orange, pink, yellow, white, and red. They are perfect for decorative plants that can stay fresh in a vase for seven days.

Butterflies and bees love the showy blossoms, but unfortunately, the attractive cultivar is not deer-resistant.

Swan River Daisy

Swan river daisy with herbaceous foliage is hardy in USDA zones 9 to 11 but will grow as a cheery annual in zones 2 to 8.
Swan river daisy

The Swan River daisy flowers that come from Australia offer various shades of purplish-blue blossoms.

These blooming bushes grow about a height of 91 cm and 61 centimeters wide.

Chocolate Daisy

You can find chocolate daisy in North America. Chocolate daisy is still include in the sunflower family species.
Chocolate daisy

In the natural habitat, Texas and Mexico, the chocolate daisy flowers become a drought-resistant plant.

The blossoms that feature yellow petals with dark brown disk floret will bloom in early spring until the fall season. Then, growing from seeds is the easiest way to cultivate them.

Painted Daisy

Painted daisy flowers have three inch beautiful white, yellow, red and purple blooms with varying bands of other colors with a purple center.
Painted daisy

The painted daisy cultivar has many vibrant colors. Its flowers come in different shades.

For example, one of the varieties features white petals with some splashes of colorful markings near the center part. This popular bloomer attracts insects and butterflies as well.

Livingstone Daisy

Livingstone daisy flowers have dark centers and are colored pink, white, purple, lavender, crimson, or orange.
Livingstone daisy

The unique look of the livingstone daisy flowers includes the dark center part with white, yellow, pink, orange, and purple petals.

These salt-tolerant plants grow well in full sunlight areas. Therefore, they work best for seaside garden ideas.

Crown Daisy

Aside for ornamental purpose crown daisy is also grown and used as a leaf vegetable.
Close-up crown daisy

The crown daisy variety is an edible annual that can resist extreme cold conditions. Its leafy vegetable is popularly used to cook delicious dishes for Asian culinary.

Interestingly, a shade of yellow appears from the center part to the white petals.

Oxeye Daisy

Oxeye daisy is a perennial herbaceous plant that has shallow, branched rhizomes and adventitious roots.
Oxeye daisy flower

Meadows and grasslands are the best sites to cultivate Oxeye daisy flowers. They require well-drained soil to grow the beautiful and classic white blossoms.

Then, the plants mature at about 51 centimeters tall.

Dahlberg Daisy


Dahlberg daisy plants are drought tolerant annuals with a profusion of cheerful yellow blooms.
Blooming Dahlberg daisy flower

Dahlberg daisy is a pretty blooming cultivar that functions as a groundcover. It grows about 30 centimeters tall and wide.

This annual plant has yellow flowers with a pleasant aroma. Then, the bushes will start blooming in July.

Florist’s Daisy

Florist's daisy is used in Chinese traditional medicine to treat anxiety, unrest, and nervous tension.
Florist’s daisy

The florist’s daisy flowers that resemble a pom-pom have multiple-layered blossoms. Numerous petals come in many shades like white, yellow, pink, and purple.

Therefore, they are famous for romantic bouquets.

Curly Leaf Daisy

Curly leaf daisy can withstand all soil types and successfully thrives in rocky areas, sandy areas, coastal areas, and even your home patios.
Curly Leaf Arctotis

The curly leaf daisy flowers get the name since they have rolled leaves underneath the blossoms.

A bright yellow hue comes from the center to the whole parts of the petals. These varieties thrive well in sandy and rocky regions.

Desert Star Daisy

Desert star is member of the sunflower family found in lower elevations of the Sonoran desert.
Monoptilon bellidiforme ( Desert star daisy )

Desert star daisy is native to some regions in Mexico. This annual plant has very short stems with white or purple blossoms and yellow centers.

Its ground-level bloom can tolerate hot and dry climates.

Cape Daisy

Cape Daisy has pure white petals that are offset by deep purple eyes.
Cape daisy flower

The cape daisy flowers have white, purple, and yellow petals with a dark shade center.

Meanwhile, the blossoms contain lots of pollens that attract bees to come. Then, they grow in bushes about 48 inches tall.

English Daisy

English daisy is a great plant for rock gardens, bulb beds, or containers.
Common daisy ( English daisy )

English or common daisies come in varied hues of pink, white, blue, and red. This lawn cultivar starts blooming numerous beautiful flowers in April or June.

The petals will fold up during the night but re-open in the daytime.

How to Grow Daisy Flowers

Daisy plants will bloom the following year after one season's growth.
Growing daisy flower

The first thing to consider before growing the daisy flowers is preparing the best location that obtains full sun exposure. Then, gardeners usually plant them from seeds or root divisions.

If you prefer growing from seeds, early spring will be the best time to start planting the daisies.

Sowing the seedlings directly on the ground or in indoor containers are preferable as you desire. Place them into the soil at a depth of 3 millimeters.

Otherwise, cultivating the rooted plants seems to be faster. Dig a hole to place the specimen in it.

The perforation’s size should be twice as big as the pot. After that, ensure that the soil covers all surfaces of the rooting ball.

Daisy Care Tips

Simple pruning technique can produce heavier, longer-lasting blooms in daisy plants.
Pruning daisy

Watering and fertilizing are the most important factors to maintain the healthy growth of the daisy flowers.

Besides, feeding your daisies is as important as the routine watering. Start fertilizing in the early planting season. Utilize organic fertilizer to achieve sturdy stems and vigorous growth.

After all, remember to trim the deadheading to promote more abundant flowers. You can start cutting the blossoms when they fade away.

Besides, regular pruning will decrease the growth of mold. It is also necessary to avoid overcrowded roots.

If your daisy flowers are getting larger, cut the root balls and replant them in separate locations.

Add plant spacing for about 30 centimeters per specimen. Then, the best time to dig up the clumps is in the fall season.

Additionally, applying mulch or any organic matter is necessary during the winter. Add the compound for each perennial plant.

However, be careful to keep away the substance from covering the leaves. Thus, pay extra attention to accomplish this task.

Moreover, pest and disease management is essential to maintain the healthy growth of daisy flowers.

Even though the plants are low-maintenance, some insects like aphids, spider mites, leafminers, whiteflies, earwigs, and slugs may infect them.

Several diseases also occur if you cannot take care of the plants properly. They include botrytis blight, powdery mildew, verticillium wilt, leaf spots, and root rots.

These problems might damage the stems, leaves, and crowns.

One of the ways to control the harmful pests and diseases is by growing some other companion plants.

Also, apply fungicides and pesticides if necessary. They can cure the problems in the initial stages of illness, so use them in the infected areas to get the best result.

End Verdict

In conclusion, daisy flowers with their cheerful look will provide charming blooms throughout all seasons.

Even a novice grower can cultivate some of the artful varieties with easy maintenance. So, choose any daisy flowers that perfectly match your garden design.

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