Although yellow nutsedge, also known as a tiger nut, has a waxy and bright green look, you should not classify it as grass.
It is a sedge with a triangular stem in a cross-section. You can find this variety outgrow surrounding the grass.
Then, as a perennial plant, it is reproduced by the underground tubers and seed.
It grows in high moisture areas with poor drainage. However, you can also find this sedge in low spots and drier sites.
That is why it is too problematic to control.
Despite its knotty behavior for lawns and rice fields, the tubers of this nutsedge have various benefits.
In some countries, people even cultivate these for drink and food.
Yellow Nutsedge Lifecycle

This nutsedge life cycle is so typical. It will grow in summer and continue to thrive in autumn.
Although the frost will stop the growth of this plant, the tubers under the soil will remain inactive and will be active for the next season.
When the first frost has fallen, it will only kill the yellow nutsedge on the upper part. The bottom or remaining part in the soil, specifically the tubers, will germinate afterward.
The tubers can persist inactive in the soil for several years. So, you need to be more careful about controlling this nutsedge.
How to Identify Yellow Nutsedge

Since the yellow nutsedges will grow in summer, it will be easier to reckon them during this season.
The leaves will grow faster that makes them stick out. You will notice if they are growing around.
There is also a chance to identify them even if it is not summer. You can identify them by looking at the color, stem, and leaves.
If there is a shiny light green to yellowish foliage with a triangular stem, it is indeed yellow nutsedge.
You can also look at the leaves closer. If it does not have tiny hairs on the leaf blades, it is surely this nutsedge.
Yellow Nutsedge Control and Management

Many professionals have stated that there is no outstanding organic control to shoot down the yellow nutsedges effectively.
However, there are still some ways to control them before calling professional help.
If there are only a few nutsedges on your lawn, you can pull them out carefully. To be more effective, do it when the sedges are starting to sprout in the spring.
That will be easier since the soil is moist in spring. As a result, you will be able to get the entire root and a little part of the tubers too.
In case you want to remove them more effectively, try to dig deep to the base to take the tubers out from the soil.
In this way, you have to make sure that there is no trace leaving.
To prevent the return of this nutsedge, you have to mow your turfgrass around 63 to 101 mm. The right height will promote better root growth.
At this condition, there is a low possibility for the yellow nutsedge to establish.
Utilizing vinegar on this tiger nut makes a great alternative as well. You can simply pour this acetic acid into a bottle and spray it directly to the nutsedge.
In contrast, it is always better to call a professional if there are a bunch of yellow nutsedges in your garden.
Do not even try to pull them out when they already thrived. It will make them grow more and more at this stage.
Treat Yellow Nutsedges with an Herbicide

Since forcing the plants out when they are young may provide such temporary control only, you will love to try nutsedge herbicide for managing them in your lawns.
There are some effective herbicide products in the market and you can easily find reviews for ones that provide the most effective nutsedge control.
Whatever the herbicide product you choose, make sure to read the label directions carefully and never overlook the written precautions too.
Mostly, you need to apply two to three applications of herbicide within four to seven days apart to destroy nutsedge’s active patches.
Timing is pretty crucial when treating yellow nutsedge with herbicide products.
The recommendation is to apply it at the end of spring to early summer. This way you will kill the plants before new tubers come out.
If you find this nutsedge in your planting beds, performing spot treatment with a chemical herbicide will provide good control as well.
Glyphosate, for example, can kill the nutsedge as well as its root.
However, since this herbicide is non-selective and will shoot down any plant in contact, make sure to use it cautiously.
In addition, you have to boost the health of your lawn as well to avoid future issues with nutsedge.
Keep in mind that healthy, robust grass makes the best offense against this nutsedge in your lawns.
For instance, you should avoid overwatering or prevent frequent shallow irrigation to protect your lawn against this nutsedge.
Health Benefits of the Yellow Nutsedge Tuber

At some point, yellow nutsedges are becoming so irritating for the lawn and field. Some people even tried to call a yellow nutsedge killer to cut them off.
In contrast, there are several parts of this nutsedge which have benefits for your health. The most used part of this plant is the tubers.
Similar to the roots, the tubers of this nutsedge have an almond-like flavor that is sugary.
In Spain, people call yellow nutsedges ‘Chufa’ and usually use them as ingredients for milk and cookies.
Additionally, the yellow nutsedge is also effective for medicinal use.
It contains phenols, alkaloids, steroids, antibacterial and antioxidant properties, flavonoids, tannins, and terpenoids.
So, many people take it orally as medicine or used as an ointment.
Recipe Ideas to Cook Yellow Nutsedges

The yellow nutsedge is edible for your food supplies. You can consume it raw or cook these tiger nuts for delicious cuisine.
You can easily roast or build this nutsedge. Some people also use the tubers for soups, cookies, and other food supplies.
Not only the tubers, but you can also take advantage of the yellow nutsedge seeds as they make a great food either eaten raw or cooked.
In some countries, people use them as a coffee substitute and process them into oil as well. For the boiled seeds, many tend to utilize these seeds as fishing bait.
If you have this tiger nut in your kitchen, do not hesitate to try cooking the following recipes.
Spanish Horchata

Made of sweetened, ground, and soaked tiger nuts mixed with water and sugar, Spanish Horchata or horchata de chufa is an easy-to-make drink for everyone.
To make this beverage, firstly add 500 ml of water to the tiger nuts and mix them with a cinnamon stick. Let it soak overnight.
On the next day, you can drain the tiger nuts and crush them with a food processor or blender at high power.
Then, blend the tiger nuts powder with 1500 ml water and strain it with a cheesecloth or a nut milk bag.
Complete the recipe with some sea salt, cinnamon, and sugar. Whisk them well before serving a glass of this delicious tiger nut drink.
Smoothie Mix

The yellow nutsedge also makes a perfect ingredient for your breakfast.
It is gluten-free and acquires 400 calories only, so there is no worry to count on this menu. Moreover, smoothies are also good to boost your protein and help to reduce craving.
For making a tiger nuts smoothies mix, you should prepare bananas, strawberries, tiger nuts, coconut milk, coconut flakes, almond butter, and cacao nibs.
Simply blend all these ingredients with your high-speed blender. Wait until it is perfectly smooth before pouring the mixture into a bowl or glass.
You can also top your tiger nut smoothies with banana, strawberry, or other toppings of your liking.
Tiger Nut Cheesecake

Nowadays, there are a lot of recipes for cheesecake by mixing some ingredients, especially fruits. Tiger nut is also perfect for this sweet treat.
The ingredients and the process are not too complicated as well.
First, you will need to prepare for the crust by mixing a half cup of skinless tiger nuts and a tablespoon of coconut oil.
Include a half tablespoon of maple syrup as well to make the crust. Take your food processor to make the ingredients turn into a crumbling form.
Place the mixture into a pan by pressing it down and let it in the freezer.
Meanwhile, prepare for the filing by blending five tablespoons of lemon juice and maple syrup along with skinned yellow nutsedge, coconut oil, salt, and pure vanilla extract.
Once done, you can transfer the filing onto the top of your cake pan and decorate it with any topping you like.
Skinless tiger nuts, fresh berries, and edible rosebuds will make a great addition to your cheesecake.
All in all, despite being a pesky invasive plant, this nutsedge still contains various nutrients which are good for your health and make a great ingredient as well.
Therefore, if you find yellow nutsedge around, do not get irritated easily. Take the tubers and make them into any recipes of your liking.